Venue Operators Beware...
The entertainment licensing fees paid to BMI, ASCAP, etc. will not protect you
or your business if you have knowingly hired a PIRATE Karaoke Host. The copies of their music, the images and lyrics shown
on the screen, and the performances of those works in your venue, are indeed illegal.
PLEASE check your Karaoke Entertainment provider, to be sure that you have hired an honest and hardworking
individual, and not a PIRATE.
There is nothing wrong with demanding proof of a Karaoke Providers LEGAL standing. If your provider operates from CD+G
Discs, inspect them to be sure that they are Factory Originals and NOT burned copies. If they run their shows from a Laptop
Computer or a Hard Drive system of any sort, ask for PROOF of proper licensing from the Karaoke Manufacturers for all of the
songs in their library.
"Individuals or Businesses that have
a financial benefit from providing an opportunity for such infringing individuals or businesses to operate, create a liability
for themselves and can be found to have vicarious or contributory liability."
(as quoted directly from: The KIAA
REALLY, if the PIRATE is willing to steal the music and charge YOU for their "services" what does that say about
their morals and ethics ...and will hiring them reflect well on YOU and your business?
Karaoke Pirates are THIEVES, even if they don't know it. Unfortunately, the chances
are that they know exactly what they're doing, and just don't care about breaking the law or taking YOU down with
them! GREED can be a terrible thing...
Please do not hire or employ a PIRATE Karaoke operation or host. If you should find
that you have unknowingly hired a PIRATE, the best thing to do is terminate their employment immediately,
and report them to the proper authorities.
You will find a link to report them here...